BAPPA RAWAL (Founder of Mewar Kingdom)๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™ Rajasthan India

Bappa Rawal 

(also known as Raval Bappa or Bappa Raval) was a legendary Rajput warrior who lived in

 the 8th century in the region of present-day Rajasthan, India. 

He was the founder and first ruler of the Mewar kingdom, 

which later became one of the most powerful Rajput kingdoms in India.

Bappa Rawal was born into the Guhilot Rajput clan, which claimed descent from the sun god Surya. 

He grew up in the town of Nagda, near Udaipur, and became a skilled warrior and military strategist. 

According to legend, he was chosen to be the ruler of Mewar by the goddess Eklingji, who appeared to him in a dream.

Bappa Rawal's most famous military achievement was his victory over the Arab invader Muhammad bin Qasim in the early 8th century.

 According to legend, Bappa Rawal led a small force of Rajputs to ambush the Arab army and cut off their supply lines. 

The Arabs were eventually forced to retreat, and Bappa Rawal became a hero among the Rajputs.

Bappa Rawal is also credited with building the famous temple of Eklingji near Udaipur.

 According to legend, he had a dream in which the god Shiva instructed him to build a temple in his honor. 

Bappa Rawal followed the instructions and built the temple,

 which became a center of worship for the Guhilot Rajputs.

Bappa Rawal is revered as a hero and a symbol of Rajput pride in Rajasthan. 

He is remembered for his bravery, military skill, and devotion to the gods.

 His legacy continues to inspire Rajput warriors and nationalists in modern India.

According to historical records, ______

Bappa Rawal had several children,_______""

 but their names and details are not well documented. 

Some sources mention that he had two sons, one named Khuman and another named Lakhansi. 

Khuman is said to have succeeded Bappa Rawal as the ruler of Mewar.


 there are also many legends and myths surrounding Bappa Rawal and his family,

 and these stories often include different versions of his children's names and stories.

____ For example

one popular legend mentions that Bappa Rawal had a daughter named Padmini, 

who was renowned for her beauty and courage. 

According to the legend, Padmini was the subject of a siege by the Sultan of Delhi,

 which ultimately led to her self-immolation or jauhar.

It is important to note that many of these legends and myths are not based on historical facts and should be approached with caution.

 The details of Bappa Rawal's family life and children are not well established,

 and further research and study may be required to separate fact from fiction.

Bappa rawal and rawalPindi 

There is no historical evidence to suggest that Bappa Rawal, the legendary Rajput warrior and ruler of Mewar, founded Rawalpindi.

 Rawalpindi is a city in present-day Pakistan, and it has a long and complex history that predates Bappa Rawal and the Rajput era.

The earliest historical records of Rawalpindi date back to the Gandhara civilization,

 which flourished in the region between the 6th century BCE and the 11th century CE.

 Rawalpindi was later ruled by a number of different empires and dynasties, 

including the Maurya, Kushan, Gupta, and Mughal empires.

The city's name is believed to be derived from the term "Rawal," 

which is a title used by some Rajput rulers.

 However, it is unclear whether there is any direct connection between Bappa Rawal and Rawalpindi.

In short, there is no reliable evidence to suggest that Bappa Rawal founded Rawalpindi. 

The city has a long and complex history that predates Bappa Rawal and the Rajput era, 

and it has been ruled by a number of different empires and dynasties over the centuries.


Bappa Rawal is closely associated with the temple of Eklingji, 

which is located in the town of Kailashpuri near Udaipur in Rajasthan, India. 

According to legend, Bappa Rawal was a devotee of Lord Shiva and had a vision in which the god instructed him to build a temple in his honor.

 Bappa Rawal followed the instructions and built the temple, 

which became a center of worship for the Guhilot Rajputs.

The temple of Eklingji is considered one of the most important Shiva temples in Rajasthan

 and is believed to have been built in the 8th century during Bappa Rawal's reign. 

The temple complex consists of several shrines and pavilions,

 and it is renowned for its elaborate carvings and sculptures.

The temple is also closely associated with the Mewar dynasty, which was founded by Bappa Rawal.

 The Mewar rulers considered themselves the protectors of the temple and made significant

 contributions to its upkeep and renovation over the centuries.


 the temple of Eklingji continues to be an important pilgrimage site for devotees of Lord Shiva and is also a popular tourist attraction in Rajasthan.

 The temple and its associated legends are an important part of the cultural heritage of the region and continue to inspire Rajputs and other devotees of Lord Shiva.

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